Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poor kitty

Today is Jay's birthday - He is 3 years old today and had quite an adventure.  He has always been inside never ventures out.  Until, for some reason today he got out and ran to the woods.  We could not get him and today was bring your children to work day and we were about to be late (no flex time today).  So I made a decision to let him stay outside.  So off Matt and I went to work.  Had a good day and came home.  Now who do you think was sitting on the door step?  Poor, poor Jay - looking all sad and scared.  First thing he did is run to his water bowl and drank and drank.  Silly kitty there is a creek in my back yard - LOL!  Then he ate and ate - LOL!  I think he learned his lesson - and now he is hiding under my table fast asleep.  Poor Jay, not a good birthday was it, bet you stay inside from now on.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Facebook user

February 14, 2012

I read an article a couple a weeks ago regarding Facebook and this person's opinion of the users on Facebook and why they use Facebook.  I am writing  this article in response to the person's opinion.  The article is entitled Facebook brings out the worst in People and can be read by following the link below

Now when I first read I had to seriously contemplate the writers reasoning as to why they thought this way.  Number 1 is this person does not use Facebook, this person is a blogger.  People who do not use Facebook, cannot understand and lets be fair this person did not bash Facebook - just stated "  I just don’t see the need for it,".

I first started Facebook like most people do with a friend stating you know you should really check it out.  Now previous to Facebook I was using My Space and Friendster and neither of these sites were serious.  I just liked hanging out there and changing my profile pictures or rearranging things.  These social sites were really not set up so that you could actually communicate everyday with someone and get the immediate Social interaction.  I found out my son - who at the time was in college - was using Facebook and had been for some time.  He lived about 3 hours away and our communication was not a everyday thing as his and my schedule differed and he worked nights.  

Anyways, I started my Facebook page.  Now at first I just checked it now and then and started searching for friends that I had via email or people I had met on the other Social sites.  I was very pleased that my son and I could keep up with each other with photo's or postings directly to the wall, and Facebook was easy to learn.  I did not like the fact that I could not decorate my site or page like the other pages.  But it was a work in progress and I still had my other pages to fill in that need to decorate pages.

Time continued on and I gradually started adding more friends.  Now I found that I liked the search engine in Facebook and one day I decided to search for friends that I knew years ago and lost contact with.  You know once upon a time communication was done with phones and mail, people move, phone numbers change.  You also have to understand that I have moved around a lot over my childhood and have friends in almost every State.

Nothing could every express the happiness that I got when the search engine found the person I was looking for and I messaged the person to see if it really was that person.  When I got a response and hit pay dirt I was thrilled to death.  Had not heard nor spoke to that person in over 20 years and always wondered what had happened to her.  That day we exchanged phone numbers and talked to each other for the first time in years and got caught up on each others lives.  I am happy to say that a visit is in store this May and hopefully we will get caught up on more things.

I have also found family from my fathers side.  My father was in the military and so I did not get to know my family, was not raised with cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and such.  My mother's family lived in England and so at most we just wrote letters back and forth.  So it was really nice to find and actually be able to interact at least at some kind of level with family whom I have never known.  A visit there will be coming forth soon too.

My oldest son has since moved out of the country and lives in the mountains and sometimes communication via cell phone is just not feasible.  Yes you got it we still communicate via Facebook, he can still email me and post to my wall.  So for this Facebook has been an excellent tool for me to keep up with him and keep him up to date on the latest back home. 

Now once you find these people and start interacting you then become addicted to Facebook and become a poster child - not that you are seeking attention - the stupid thing does ask what is your status?   And after reading the person's article I had to contemplate do I annoy people with my numerous postings?  Not to mention I think I have a couple of stalkers on Facebook cause even though they never say anything to me on Facebook - they text me the responses on my phone.  So obviously they are reading my postings - LOL!  I call these the silent minorities - for some reason they don't want people to know what they are doing - but they are just as involved in Facebook as the rest of us- just don't let it be known!

Anyways, I have decided to do an experiment - and try to cut down on my Facebook experience - I will still play games of course, but I think I will tone it down a notch or two.  So Happy Valentines Day everybody - I will be blogging more and posting less - less is more - besides I have Algebra to do and two other classes before graduation.  Love you all - a Facebook addict - 

PS - At the beginning of the article I was responding to an article - my response is yes Facebook can bring out the worst in people but it can also bring out the best in people too.  No where can you go and post a status and get a response to what ever it is you are talking about. The world needs care and caring people and I would hope that most people that you interact with on Facebook you know personally and therefore, it doesn't matter if you are not up to pare for a day - your friends and family won't let you down.  For the gloater, per the article yes there are people out there who wants the world to be envious of them and their lives - but lets be real - you get them on the outside of Facebook too and we all know how to recognize them - and roll with it - don't take life so seriously you get old that way - and you know old is not where I am trying to go - my idea of life is hold on for the ride ...PS - if you didn't realize this I am a blogger too - LOL!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Forgiving others

For those who hold grudges and consciously choose not to forgive. There are five things that you cannot recover in life:

(1) The Stone...after it's thrown (2) The Word...after it's said, (3) The Occasion...after it's missed (4) The Time...after it's gone, and (5) A person...after they die

This was a post on a Facebook status today and gave me reason to reflect.  I have been on both sides of this coin the person who has held a grudge and the person who has never been forgiven.  I am sure that most people have been in the same predicament from time to time.  The thing to this problem is this in order to forgive a person do we have to forget the things that they have done?  And if we choose to do so what happens if this person continues to do the same thing over again?

I think it depends on the situation and the person.  It also depends on if you have had enough.  I think you can forgive a person but not enable that person to do the things that they have previously done to you.  And let's be honest if you truly forgive a person in your heart then you are no longer caring the burden of the anger, hate or emotions that goes along with being mad at a person. That doesn't mean that you have to allow that person to continue to do the things that they do to you.

According to the Mayo clinic in the article Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness at 

"Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life."

I learned this a few years ago - well at least 5 to 7 years ago.  I had been holding onto this bitterness and wanting to be forgiven and part of the family that I was once was.  I was able to walk past this when I started back to church and getting to know God.  He helped me realize that although I am mourning what was gone, lost and was a great part of my life.  There was nothing that I could do to change the fact that it was gone.  The only thing I could do is come to terms with it and forgive others and pray.  It helped me out a lot and it was as if the whole burden was lifted from my heart and life got much easier from that point on.  Now I am not going to sit there and tell you that it doesn't hurt from time to time but as time passes the hurt gets less and less.

Anyways, forgive others it does a body good.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years 2012

Today is the beginning to another year and I as most people reflect on the previous year to see if I accomplished the goals or figured out what has changed in the last year.  2011 was a terrible year for news - natural disasters like the the Japan Tsunami that created a Nuclear emergency, the tornado that destroyed Joplin Mo, a senator was shot along with others and she miraculously lived through it and is on her way back.  Then we had the little girl (young women) from American on trial in Italy - Ms. Amanda Knox - her family showed how to believe and backed her up all the way!  A lot of interesting things happened in 2011, but I am not going to list them all just watch

So after 2011 what can 2012 possible give us - hopefully a quieter, calmer year.  But I have heard rumors that the royal bride is expecting so we will see if there is a new child to be born to the royal crown this year.

Changes for me last year, well my family has grown - I acquired a son-in-law and new granddaughter all in one year.  So now I have two grandchildren from my daughter and the joys and wonder of being a grandparent is too wonderful for words.

My son visited me this year from the Dominican republic he came home for Thanksgiving and has announced that he has a girl friend.  He seems to be happy and may be staying in the Dominican longer than his two and 1/2 years, so I have a place to vacation for a while it seems.  I am glad he is happy, but now I have to learn Spanish - which shouldn't be a problem except I will have to fit it into my tight schedule of studies and work already.

My youngest is doing the typical things of a teenager his age.  More concerned about how he looks and how he fits into the world.  Sometimes I wish we could just take the growing pains away but they have to learn somehow.  He has a new hair style this year and for the most part seems to be happy.   Next year high school for him - they grow up so fast - wasn't so long ago they were all in the nest when I first started this blog now they all have lives of their own and are spreading their wings.

So what have I accomplished in the past year?  Just keeping up with them and going back to school.  I will graduate this May, turn 50 the day before and then I plan on going to Vegas for the first time to celebrate.  I have gained a few pounds since summer (15) - so I will be on my diet until March cause we cannot go backwards after such hard work to take the pounds off.  Plan on doing some traveling this summer and visiting some family members and friends which I have been promising for the last couple of years to do.  So welcome 2002, from the onset you look like you are going to be a good year - but then looks can be deceiving so we will see what you will bring.  Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

kicks and giggles

Today I received an email and had to share - I just loved it....

A woman writes to the IT Technical support Guy

Dear Tech Support,

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0

and I noticed a distinct slowdown in the overall system performance,

particularly in the flower and jewellery applications,

which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs,

such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5,

and then installed undesirable programs such as

NEWS 5.0, MONEY 3.0 and SOCCER 4.1.

Conversation 8.0 no longer runs,

and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.

Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems,

but to no avail. What can I do?


Frustrated Wife____________________________________


Dear Madam,

First, keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package,

while Husband 1.0is an operating system.

Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme. html

and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.

If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.. However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Silence 2.5 or Beer 6.1.

Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta.

Whatever you do,

DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)

In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program.

These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program,

but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.

You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance.

We recommend: Cooking 3.0 and Hot Looks 7.7.

Good Luck Madam!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Fort Scott, KS

Yesterday I decided to start on one of my journey's and follow a path called the
Frontier Military Scenic Byway. This Byway is one of the Scenic byways of the state of Kansas. It is the old military road that was used by Army to transport supplies and troops between the frontier forts. It start at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and ends at the Oklahoma border. However it probably continued on as the troops left Fort Scott and went to fight wars and do border patrols down in Texas.
The town above is Fort Scott, Kansas which has some real historically value to it. This was our first visit on a trip to discover the military byway on Highway 69. The old Fort, Fort Scott was very interesting to see and very educational. Fort Scott was established in 1842 to assist with the protection of the Permanent Indian Frontier, troops guarded caravans on the Santa Fe Trail and patrolled the frontier territory. In 1953 the government abandoned the Fort and the buildings were sold at auction. In the Civil war Fort Scott was re-established when Kansas became a Union state. Fort Scott's main purpose during the civil war was to recruit and train black soldiers. Strategically vital during the Civil War as a supply depot, training center and recruitment station.

Fort Scott also has a National Cemetery which is one of the original 12 designated by Abraham Lincoln and is older than Arlington, It is also known for it's brick foundries which not only provided bricks for Fort Scott's streets, but for the Indianapolis Speedway ("The Brickyard") and the Panama Canal. It has beautiful streets full of Victorian mansions. It also has 5 lakes nearby two of which are in Gunn Park, which is a man made park with 155 acres. You can rent boats on the lake, go fishing for trout, camp with either an RV or a tent. It's a beautiful park inside of a beautiful city. Full of old history and a charm that makes you want to go back. A visit to Fort Scott is well worth the time and I plan on visiting many more times.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A friends blessing and changes

Sometimes you are in the middle of doing things as you always do and do not realize that you are caught up in a problem, where all that you need to do is let go of the problem. I received a life line notice today and am posting what my friend had to say. It not only caused me to go - you know she is right - duh?, but it may also help someone else in their solution to the same problem... Here is what she had to say...

Letting go of things that have basically been a part of our life is very hard to do. We are often leary of moving ahead because we are apprehensive of what is ahead. Our mind tells us it's time to move on, but our heart convinces us that with time and our love to this person things will change. Please understand that it wont. You are a beautiful person, and you need to move on and reach out for the true hapiness you deserve. It's right at your reach, but you can't go on with the future till you let go of the unhappy past. I love you and I want to see you happy. God bless

She is absolutly correct and it is time for me to let go and move forward with my life. Another friend of mine posted a wonderful thing the other day - she stated that she just realized that she "loved her life", how cool is that!!!! Now forward I go to loving the rest of my life!!!!