Monday, December 31, 2007

A Peaceful New Year!!!!

As the old year goes out and the new year blows in I find myself reflecting this past year with both sadness and joy. I have been on an incredible journey this year dealing with my past - as hard as it was - and coming to terms to issues that should long ago been buried. I have basically been on this journey for a while - but it came to a head this year and with God's strength I made it through it and will make it through the upcoming months with renewed strength.

My motto has always been the following:

Believe in Yourself

Believe in yourself

to the depth of your being

Nourish the talents

Your spirit is freeing

Know in your heart

When the going gets slow

That your faith in yourself

Will continue to grow

Don't forfeit ambition

When others my doubt

It's your life to live ---

You must live it throughout

Learn from your errors -

don't dwell in the past

Never withdraw

From a world that is so vast

Believe in yourself

Find the best that is you

Let your spirit prevail

Steer a course that is true

Poem by Bruce B. Wilmer

Anyway, I do live by this poem and sometimes (such as now) when it gets real tough and the pain inside is really hard to bear - I have to remind myself of the above.

For this year all I want is peace, peace within, peace in my family, peace in the world. Just plain peace. The last year has been hetic to say the least and I just want peace.

Hopefully, this coming year I will see - my oldest son graduate from college - Yeah! My daughter graduate from High School and my youngest graduate from elementary school - Wow that's a lot in itself. I hope my daughter finds her way back home (not necessarily in the house) but back to where her life is functioning again - we will pray for this, this year.

I will again - tomorrow -(have to eat the black eyes peas today for luck) start my diet and exersise program - hopefully this summer will see a bikini and my belly button pierced - yeah I know how old I am!!!! Hopefully, my friends and I will make that trip to Las Vegas - what a good time that will be! And hopefully I will get my life back on track and off of this side road that leads to no where but hurt and pain. Today, I say good bye to the past and for once I can say I no longer have to look back and say what if - my what if's have been awnsered. And because of this maybe I can be at peace with the past for once and for all.

I want to thank all of my wonderful friends and family who have been by my side and gone through some things with me. Thank you so much for being there and listening - it means so much to me. I hope that I can always be there for you too. For the old friends who have recently come back into my life - you couldn't have came at a better time. The Lord must have sent you at that time to remind me of who I actually am and to help build my self esteem back up. Thank you for your kindness and words you came at just the right time for me.

Thank you for all the people I have met on line this year - I enjoy talking to you and learning from you. I really appriciate the fact that we are all human and that we all have problems, issues and things we all have to cross and bear. It has been a real help for me when I read some of your blogs or things that are going on in your life. Because some of your issues are going on in my life not that I am self centered or anything - it's just I am at times too hard on myself. (All those years with my father - who by the way never forgives.) I pray for that conflict also - but you know I can't change people all I can do is work on myself.

And for the close - I look forward to the beginning of this new year - new happiness, new friends and new life. The past is just that the past - time to start walking in the new life...
Daily Word — Tuesday, January 1, 2008 -
This is the year!
This is the year that my dreams come true!
These words from a beloved poem invite me to eagerly welcome the new year: “Wonderful, wonderful, fortunate you, This is the year that your dreams come true!”
This is the year that my dreams do come true as I am blessed with life-celebrating opportunities. Some at first may appear to be happenstance. Yet I know that they have come to me by divine appointment.
This is the year that expectations flow from my vision of good. I am an active participant in the joy-filled life of me!
This is the year that I move forward with zeal and enthusiasm, giving and receiving, committing to purposeful, rewarding goals.
This is the year that brings happiness, a year that I will live to bless. Wonderful, wonderful, fortunate me, for this is the year that my dreams come true!
“Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?”—Genesis 18:14

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