Friday, April 2, 2010

Well I guess I had a lesson to learn - LOL!!!

On October 3, 2007, I posted a blog in regards to how someone elses life is a mess and then then next day I posted this blog. After just reading it once again I think it still goes when we decide to look in someone else's life - so I am reposting it.

Yesterday I posted a blog in regards to how someone elses life is a mess and then this morning I was reminded that not all of us are perfect. (HA, HA) Actually none of us our perfect and we all make mistakes. And I thought it would be wise of me to repeat what I have learned and apologize to the person I was unkind too. So first of all Sorry Brittany, it's not for me to judge.
We all make mistakes its just that not everyone in the world knows of your mistakes. When the world is continually in your life and business then maybe it's kind of hard to overcome the ridicule that comes along with the territory. I was again reminded of this this morning - this is what happened

Every morning I read my "The Word for you Today" - this morning like always I opened it up to today's day - Friday - and read the following:
"What is that to you?...Follow Me!'' John 21:22 NIV
Mow your own garden - not someone else's
Peter had strong opinions about others. Maybe you are like him. One day he started meddling in John's business saying. "Lord, what about him?" Jesus answered, "What is that to you?... follow me."
There's an important lesson here. Learn to identify 'who owns what.' If it's their garden let them mow it, or live with the weeds. If someone can only get what they want by playing the martyr or guilt tripping and manipulating others, that's their issue, don't make it yours! If they're living with consequences, it's their consequences not yours! If they deny their problems or can't think clearly on a particular issue, the confusion is theirs. It's your responsibility to love and pray for them, even offer help, but it's not your responsibility to fix or rescue them. If they don't seem capable of showing appreciation or apologizing when they're wrong, that's their problem. Only when they have an attitude of gratitude and the humility to acknowledge their mistakes, will they grow. In the meantime it's their garden, stop trying to mow it! If your hopes, your peace and your happiness are dependant on anyone other than God, learn to detach. You're a joint-heir with Christ, not a joint-tenant with Him(See Ro 8:17)
Has it occurred to you that God could be waiting for you to get out of the way so that He can go to work in their situation? The truth is, you are powerless over them but God's not! He may let them stumble before He lifts them, but He'll do what's right and what's best. So follow the Lord - and mow your own gardenAnyway, I guess I needed that ! Now are you ready for the best part - here it goes -- I went to the place in my book where I thought was today's. I could of sworn that it was today's - anyway, I went to type this up and realize that I had read one week from today's. Is this a coincidence or what? I let you be the judge!!!

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